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Speed it up with Crowdsourcing


Imagine hundreds, sometimes thousands of data scientists competing to build AI models. The best of those AI models become a part of the CrowdANALYTIX repository, any of which can quickly be tuned to your data in a secure environment. 

But first things first – be assured we keep your data absolutely secure. Crowdsourced models are built on simulated or publicly available data, and until you choose the model you need, your data does not come into the picture at all. This model is then tuned to your data, in-house, or behind your firewall, with your approval. Read the full process of how we keep your data secure and protect your IP.

So back to those hundreds, sometimes thousands of data scientists. Why so many? Why can’t we just have an in-house team working exclusively for us?  

Several reasons. Chief among them is that, with so many data scientists working on the same problem, using their own unique approaches, we have thousands of models to choose from. It would take an in-house team significantly more time to experiment and evaluate so many options. By opening it up as a contest, we are effectively conducting several such experiments in parallel, all across the globe, speeding up the process immensely. 

Then there’s a matter of bias. AI is after all created by humans, and it is possible that some bias (conscious or unconscious) may have seeped in. When we crowdsource, we can pit a large number of models against each other and compare them, and select those models that display least bias when tested by a diverse human workforce. Read more about how we at CrowdANALYTIX work towards building unbiased models.

It’s efficient too. When so many data scientists work independently on the exact same problem, and when we at CrowdANALYTIX, compare the different models they create, identify the most optimized one, and rapidly customize it (in just weeks) for your specific business to perform consistently and accurately under production conditions, it is leverage at its best. And we make it all happen with our unique crowdsourcing model.


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