The colleXion advantage
We call it the world’s largest marketplace for retail AI. But it’s so much more than that. Not o…
When someone says “this store has everything under the sun!”, of course it doesn’t. It happens…
Why call it weak then? Because when the dream of creating an artificial intelligence became a possib…
If you can teach a machine to perform a human task faster, more accurately and more consistently tha…
Generic AI: Powerful But Not Useful Few industries are currently growing and changing as quickly as …
This article first appeared on Forbes. Retailers are always on the lookout for ways to make themselv…
Where AI Ethics Stands Ethics has always been a concern when it comes to artificial intelligence. Th…
What is hyperautomation? Technology—and perhaps especially artificial intelligence technology—is…
How We Use SaaS Now If you work in technology, it probably feels like “as-a-service” software pr…
The story so far During the first half of 2020, the news was replete with stories about how AI-power…
CrowdANALYTIX creates automation solutions, and our most popular offering is DataX, an AI-drive…
Over the past year, retailers and distributors have faced huge challenges due to the COVID-19 pandem…
Enterprises have been relying on business intelligence tools like Cognos, Tableau and Power BI for d…
When are machine learning models not enough? AI companies like CrowdANALYTIX give their customers th…
What is General AI? Although most people outside of the industry do not consider AI in these terms, …
This post first appeared on Forbes Technology Council. Businesses are increasingly turning to AI to …
As in most manufacturing processes, quality control is a major concern in the manufacture of cement….
Over the past week, Snowflake has been all over the news, and not just on sites about technology and…
We’re getting used to “conversational AI” even if we rarely name it. We encounter it when we r…
Everyone is talking about AI these days, especially in the wake of COVID-19—we’re all looking to…
It has been clear for many years now that AI is changing our entire world. We’ve been told for ove…
On Thursday August 6th 2020, CrowdANALYTIX’ Global Accounts Manager Alex Ramirez gathered a small …
ECommerce has been on the rise since the internet became prevalent: for approximately the past twent…
Bias is one of the hottest topics in AI right now, and in the wider world as we struggle to address …
As artificial intelligence solutions have grown in popularity, creators and users of AI have adopted…
DataX | Automating Product Data Onboarding Leverage AI solutions for better speed, quality, and prec…
Manufacturing Maximize value from production to after-sales support. We help manufacturers detect pr…
As we typically hear it referred to in industry today, a digital twin is a virtual representation of…
On June 17th 2020, CrowdANALYTIX CEO Divyabh Mishra and Festo Global Accounts Manager Jeff Hawkins g…
You may have heard before about the “age of AI,” the “digital age” or the “information age…
How does CrowdANALYTIX help? CrowdANALYTIX’s DataX solution replaces your current manual process o…
There’s a lot of hype around AI right now. AI itself and all of the terms surrounding it can be co…
Most brands already take advantage of demand forecasting in an attempt to more accurately determine …
Every company has back office operations that they have to deal with daily. These vital functions ca…
The reality During recent weeks, many locations have begun to lift the restrictions placed on busine…
In a business world that’s powered heavily by technology, most of us have heard of both AI (artifi…
Investing in new solutions for your business is a huge decision. You want to be sure that you’re c…
Find out what CrowdANALYTIX can do for your unique business.
Curious about how computer and computer programs work. Enjoy coding, keeps me at peace.
Love reading Sci-Fi and suspense thrillers. Like occasional trekking and singing. Often wonder if the Matrix universe is real, and we are all computer programs !!
Awaiting Quantum computers and its possibilities. My belief is Hulk can beat Thanos in Avengers 4.
I am passionate about thinking and writing complex algorithms on datasets to get insights. I enjoy exploring and understanding unstructured data and make it structured using algorithms.
Love to build the relationships across datasets and explore new algorithms & programming languages.
Passionate in the field of Front End through participation in team-oriented assignments and to be an integral part of a company that considers people as its main asset.
UI Engineer with an eye for aesthetic detail.